Trainees to

Brand Ambassadors

Many companies have Trainee/Early Career-programs but many of them don’t realise or underestimate the communicational power that lies in their candidates.

If done well, communication involving the Trainee/Early Career-program candidates can have a major impact on Employer Branding including:

  • Improved perception as the employer of choice within the group of top talents

  • Faster recruitment process due to better informed and higher motivated applicants

  • Increased number of top talents recruited

  • Reduced attrition rate in existing workforce

  • Improved trainee satisfaction rate

We turn the young and ambitious candidates of the Trainee Program into Brand Ambassadors by utilising their energy and proudness:

  • Put them at the forefront of a new series of Employer Brand - communication where they explore brand values and corporate functions/programs

  • Make the content stand out from the standard corporate communication by adding a young, fresh and human side to the communication

  • Use new media formats and ways of communicating but still make it an integral part of the standard communication. and the abilities the may have to communicate brand values, their life in the organisation anIn the companies there is an un-used potential